This new features are very interesting because maintain our code cleaner.
The Optional Chaining ( ? operator ) it was already used in Angular templates.
The Nullish Coalescing ( ?? operator ) is similar to || operator, the differences is explained here TypeScript 3.7 - What's New
TypeScript 3.7 - What's New
(Portugues video) Angular: Novidades Angular v9 Ivy: TypeScript 3.7 (optional chaining e coalescência nula)
domingo, 5 de julho de 2020
sábado, 4 de julho de 2020
Angular v9 @NgModule.entryComponents is deprecated
The property entryComponents of the NgModule is an array with components that can be dynamically loaded into the view (as modals).
In Angular v9 Ivy, it's no longer needed and can be removed in v11.
In theory it's doing like the java does since the beginning, checking components imported and used into code to generate the deploy bundle.
Source (Portuguese video):
Angular: Novidades Angular v9 Ivy: Depreciação do entryComponents
In theory it's doing like the java does since the beginning, checking components imported and used into code to generate the deploy bundle.
Source (Portuguese video):
Angular: Novidades Angular v9 Ivy: Depreciação do entryComponents
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